Dr. Mercola: Japanese Consumers Will Not Accept GM Food
Japanese consumers are opposed to genetically modified (GM) food and agriculture, and are actively building alliances to keep their country GM-free.
As far back as 1997, nearly 500,000 Japanese signed a petition opposing GM food and demanding proper labeling. By 2002, the petition grew to over 2 million signatures.
The majority of the Japanese public also wants GM foods to be labeled as such. According to a 2002 survey by the Ministry of Public Management and Home Affairs:
* 84 percent of respondents said that labeling is needed if a product is derived from GM crops -- even if the amount is very small
* 76 percent said that labeling is needed if a product is derived from GM crops, whether or not it contains any GM material (such as edible oil and soy sauce)
Much of the country’s concern about GM crops stems from the issue of GM contamination.
"Japan does not produce any GM crops. However, because Japan imports GM canola from Canada, GM contamination has already occurred and it is spreading to a much greater degree than one could imagine,” said Keisuke Amagasa of NO! GMO Campaign.
“If GM crops are cultivated, then this kind of pollution will spread even more … The clear conclusion from the findings is that cultivating or importing GM crops, leads to GM pollution and once this pollution begins, it can cause irreversible damage," he continued.
Members of the NO! GMO Campaign, an alliance of more than 80 Japanese consumer groups, along with farmers' groups and others, have visited Australia, Canada and the United States to protest GM foods.
More (with a lot of detail) at eco-farm.org: Japanese Consumers Will Not Accept GM Food (Thanks to Organic Consumers Association for the link). Originally posted by GM Watch, a UK campaign group based in Norfolk.
'GM Watch serves a critical role in countering the power and propaganda of the biotech industry. It is part of the life blood of our global alliance to protect our food and agriculture - communicating our successes, identifying emerging issues and catalysing resistance. Thank you GM Watch!'
Keisuke Amagasa, NO! GMO Campaign, Japan
Why all the protests? Watch The Future of Foods on YouTube (Part 1/7):
I hope people share this information far and wide and bring this absurd situation to a halt.