Thanksgiving - Orion
Thanksgiving - when I saw Orion against the clear black sky tonight, I felt happy, and inspired to say "thanks" that I'm living in a place where the air is clean and I can be inspired by the greatness of stars.
And thanks for reading my blog!
(Click to enlarge for a bigger "wow")
I sauntered out to our local park at 3am Sunday morning and caught sight of a few of the Leonid meteors and even saw the blur of Comet Holmes. I never was able to see so much from downtown Tokyo. The clear air and sparkling night skies here in the upper Tama River area are real treat.
A favorite part of the sky for me. Orion's belt is loaded with great objects for viewing with a telescope or binoculars. Even great with the naked eye.
Thanks for this post and an interesting and informative blog.