December Food Ranking
Here is what I want to eat on a cold December evening. Let me know if you have anything better to offer.
1) Tendon: On top of the steaming rice, I get the tempura of my choice... Maybe some pumpkin?
2) Mochi: You beat the living daylights out of the poor rice grains, pound away all you like, and all you get it a very stiff and mushy -
3) Irori: I'm all yours. This is the way to cook, Edo style, and I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Do invite me!
4) Miso soup: At the local kaiten sushi, if I order a steaming hot miso soup, the staff treats me different. It is like they know, that I know, how cold it can get in late December.
5) Mushrooms: Use them for pasta, on your pizza, or just fry them. In Sweden, and here in Japan, people do go out and harvest all kinds of mushrooms in the forest, and they tend to know the names of even the most obsqure varieties. Make sure you avoid the poisonous ones ;)
Happily I was never the guy who turned the mochi between hits!
The way we did it was having everyone shouting and chanting a rythm together. That way there was a kind of collective consciousness taking care of us. Plus we did it from 5AM in the morning ;)
Have a look at the gallery - maaa... The original okinami was located right opposite where I am in Hove right now and FatBoy Slim got involved with the new one (he used to like the old one and I think has put some money into the new, have his cake and eat it etc). Anyway, even if in a date situation (a tad unlikely right now but one must be positive!) it would always be Pompoko. Its real Japan - omochiron! 2 final point - 1. The great thing is that the place is really popular, especially with students - they can be 'trendy' and not spend much. Have had a couple of conversations with people who have visited Japan too there. 2. Plan to have a chat with the chef, see if we can come to a mutual ebi tempura soba agreement. Symbiosis.