Host-club workers doing street cleaning
Wow, seems more people than the mayor of Kawasaki City thinks Japan needs to start doing something about all the illegal garbage. Today, Mainichi reports that host-club workers are volunteering to clean up the streets in red-light-slash-bar-area Kabukicho, Tokyo:
On Wednesday night some 100 people in the group collected rubbish off the streets, filling about 20 45-liter plastic rubbish bags in just over 30 minutes.
The group is named Yacho no Kai (night bird world). It was formed after Maki Tezuka, a 28-year-old host club operator in the Kabukicho district, and three others started performing activities out of consideration for others, such as talking to victims of the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, immediately after the quake struck.
"I have found that hosts can be useful in society," Tezuka said.