Focus on Fair Trade
People Tree, a UK/Japanese NGO that promotes Fair Trade (efforts to make sure that the farmers in rural areas in developing countries get a larger share of the profit) has a great fashion catalogue that I have introduced here on my blog before. They also have a mail order business and a web shop.
Alter Trade Japan had a booth this weekend in Yoyogi Park at the Earth Garden Market. They started in 1986 as a NGO to support people on Negros Island, The Philippines. Through its activities、ATJ
1) supports small producers growing crops suited to local climate within their community.
2) trades good food, safe for both producers and consumers, and non-destructive to environment.
3) offers the space for "encounter" beyond borders, aside from trading. Producers and consumers meet and support each other as human beings through trading of food stuffs.
TV Tokyo featured Fair Trade projects in India in a December 2006 program. Read more here (Japanese).
On May 12, People Tree had a huge fashion event here in Tokyo with over 800 people participating. Highlights included a Fair Trade fashion show featuring pieces from their regular collection, the Vogue designer collaboration and the People Tree for Topshop range. Take a look at some of the photos at Safia's blog.
(More photos and lots to read at the UK People Tree website)
IPS: Fair Trade Concept Starts to Sell