Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Beppu
NHK World reports that participants in the first international conference on water problems in the Asia-Pacific region ended their two-day meeting with a declaration to supply safe drinking water to everyone in the region by 2025:
Political leaders and experts from 36 countries and territories gathered for the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Beppu, southwestern Japan. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori chaired the meeting. On Tuesday, the participants adopted a memorandum titled "A Message from Beppu," urging immediate action by the world's governments to combat waterborne diseases.
The memorandum calls for populations in the Asia-Pacific region that have no access to clean drinking water to be halved by 2015, and made zero by 2025. It also calls on governments to make water sanitation a political priority, and to increase funding for related projects.
The Asia-Pacific Water Forum website has the documents about the efforts to provide safe water and sanitation - a prerequisite for achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals and for good health and quality of life.
Many organizations and NGOs are involved in this undertaking. Links here (Impressive!)
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