Kyoto Journal: Biodiversity Japan's Satoyama & Our Shared Future
The latest issue of Kyoto Journal looks absolutely marvellous, with photos and images that match the quality of the texts. I could go on and on about how happy I feel about this - and having played a very small part in the process leading up to this issue, I found my two contributions among the articles that are featured online.
This richly informative and lavishly illustrated edition features wide-ranging contributions by more than 50 writers, photographers and artists, specially prepared for distribution this fall at COP10 in Nagoya, the UN’s 10th Conference of Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). An extensive 22-page section explores the ideal – and troubling present-day reality – of Japan’s satoyama: rural areas where people have lived with the land and on it without spoiling it over many generations, preserving and even promoting biodiversity. Plus over 30 diverse exclusive online reports — all downloadable.
CONTENTS OF PRINT ISSUE (excerpts on subpages, selected articles downloadable*)
WORLDS OF SATOYAMA (special section in print edition, selected articles downloadable*)
REVIEWS (downloadable)
EXCLUSIVE ONLINE REPORTS (all downloadable articles, not in print issue...)