Japan Gets 29 3-Star Restaurants In Michelin Guide
Good news on the gourmet front: Michelin, the French guide book publisher, will award 29 restaurants in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Nara with 3 stars, its highest rating. This confirms what many of us know already - Japan has the world's best food!
The Telegraph mentions that France now only has 25 3-star restaurants:
Japan's status as a clear culinary leader over France will be officially confirmed with publication of the new 2012 publication on Friday, which bestowed a total of 296 stars upon establishments – including an additional three three-starred restaurants – across the Western Japan region.
In the new guide to Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe and Nara, which will be published in English and Japanese on Friday, there are 15 restaurants with three stars, an accolade which refers to the distinction of "exceptional cuisine worth a special journey".
The high quality of food in the region was reflected by the fact that the total three-star tally for the region outshone the capital Tokyo, which currently has 14.
Kyoto, the former imperial capital, confirmed its status as the culinary epicentre of Western Japan, with seven of the three-star 15 restaurants based in the historic city, which is famous for its culinary heritage.
The Telegraph: Japan relishes status as country with most three-starred Michelin restaurants
Of course it is silly to try to rank countries in this way. The UK press likes to gloat whenever France is seen to be in decline. And you don't have to go to any of the restaurants in the guidebook to eat well in Japan, but it is good fun to read about the reactions.
Many of these top restaurants also have wonderful websites, like Wa no Yamamura in Nara or Kiku no I in Kyoto (photo).
Here is a list of the 3-star restaurants in Japan (in Japanese)