The "Eco-Blog" - Now with my new 2021 Japanese essay book, U No Me Taka No Me, as well as my 2018 novel, Kamikaze to Croydon, by Martin J. Frid
Eco Links For July, 2014
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I went for a walk and watched fireflies near a temple where I live. Amazing creatures. Got a lesson in bioluminescence from Pandabonium, too, via National Geographics.
There is a lot I do not know.
I like how my town is not exploiting this site for tourism.
July - hot and humid. Japan still has no nuclear reactors online. Do people in other parts of the world even think about this? Can we get some support, please?
Seems a small town in Tochigi near major tourist spot Nikko, where the Tokugawa shoguns have their final resting place, will be selected to permanently store radioactive waste from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. "Permanently" is a pretty serious word when it comes to nuclear waste. Not sure why they didn't put it in Fukushima. Expect Narita-style protests?
Shioya Mayor
Kasuhisa Mikata, right, expresses his disappointment to Deputy
Environment Minister Shinji Inoue over the Ministry of the Environment's
informal selection of his town as a place to construct a final disposal
site for radioactive waste, at Shioya town hall on July 30, 2014.
The Ministry of the Environment is preparing to
use state-owned land in the Tochigi Prefecture town of Shioya to
permanently store radioactive waste from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, it has been learned. The ministry has been searching for a location to
construct a facility to store "designated waste" including radioactive
materials from the disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1
Nuclear Power Plant. On July 30, Deputy Environment Minister Shinji
Inoue visited the Shioya town office and asked Mayor Kazuhisa Mikata to
agree to a detailed inspection of the area. Following the meeting, Mikata stated that he was
"opposed to construction" of such a facility but indicated that he would
engage in discussions with the ministry. The ministry is eyeing three hectares of
state-owned land in Shioya to construct the storage site, officials say.
In a meeting with mayors in Tochigi Prefecture it was earlier agreed
that prospective sites would be evaluated on four factors -- their
distance from communities, their distance from water resources, the
level of vegetation and nature in the area, and the amount of designated
waste to be stored. Officials agreed to convert these figures into
numerical data to make judgments. During the meeting on July 30, which was also
attended by Tochigi Gov. Tomikazu Fukuda, Inoue explained to Mikata that
Shioya had achieved the highest ranking in the evaluation. Mikata
responded that the ministry's move was "disappointing." He added that
the source of one of Japan's designated 100 remarkable water areas lay
nearby. In a news conference after the meeting, Mikata
told reporters, "I conveyed my clear opposition. But I think we should
lend an ear with regard the implementation of a detailed survey. I would
like to consider the issue after discussions with the Ministry of the
Environment." The designated waste includes straw and
incinerated ash with a level of radioactivity of 8,000 becquerels or
more per kilogram. In 2012, the ministry named the Tochigi Prefecture
city of Yaita as a prospective location to build a permanent storage
site, but it did not provide explanations to the town in advance, which
resulted in local opposition, sending the ministry's plans back to the
drawing board. Later, local officials agreed to settle on a single
location in which a detailed survey would be conducted. The ministry had
acted swiftly to make a selection. A total of roughly 14,000 tons of
designated waste remains in Tochigi Prefecture.
Jiji Press
SHIOYA, Tochigi (Jiji Press)—The Environment Ministry said Wednesday it
has picked state-owned land in the town of Shioya, Tochigi Prefecture,
as a candidate site for building a final disposal facility for
designated waste contaminated by radioactive substances from the March
2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima.
State-owned land, that must be the key word. No need to dilly-dally any further, then. This is an issue that should have been in focus since the first nuclear reactors were conceived of and built back in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
NHK World: Spent nuclear fuel: Reprocess or dispose?
The Japanese government's basic stance is to reprocess all
spent nuclear fuel to extract plutonium and reuse it as fuel at nuclear power
A basic energy plan adopted in April upholds the nuclear fuel recycling policy.
But, for the first time, the plan also called for studies on ways to directly
dispose of spent fuel without reprocessing it.
Behind this move lies a series of challenges the government faces in recycling
nuclear fuel. A reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village in the northern
prefecture of Aomori has suffered numerous troubles, and has been unable to
start full operation more than 20 years since construction began.
The fast-breeder reactor Monju in Fukui Prefecture in central Japan is designed
to use recycled plutonium.
But the facility too has been plagued by troubles, including a fire and failed
inspections, and its future is uncertain.
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency plans to continue geological and geographical
analyses for the direct disposal of spent fuel. It's due to finalize a report
in 2018.
However, this option also has its own challenges. Spent nuclear fuel is highly
radioactive, and compared to reprocessing, direct disposal would mean more than
a 4-fold increase in nuclear waste volume.
Above all, the government lacks any prospect of finding a place that would
accept a nuclear dumpsite. Jul. 25, 2014
NHK World: Agency: Nuclear waste can be directly disposed of
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency is reported to be looking at
the direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel instead of reprocessing it.
NHK has obtained a draft report compiled by the agency which analyzed the
environmental impact of disposing of spent nuclear fuel.
The conclusion of the analysis is expected to touch off controversy, because
the government has long maintained the policy of reprocessing all spent nuclear
fuel. It has conducted few studies about disposing of it as waste.
Spent nuclear fuel is known to have higher radiation levels than high-level
radioactive waste.
But the agency's draft report says it is technically possible to directly
dispose of spent nuclear fuel at a low radiation level.
If spent nuclear fuel is buried 1,000 meters underground for 1 million years,
the radiation level at the earth's surface will peak in 3,000 years, at 0.3
microsieverts per year.
Even though reprocessing remains official government policy, the Rokkasho
reprocessing plant is nowhere near full operating capacity.
Japan's nuclear power plants have accumulated 17,000 tons of spent nuclear
The agency's analysis is expected to lead to greater attention on future
discussions on dealing with the stockpile of spent nuclear fuel.
Professor Tatsujiro Suzuki at Nagasaki University says the conclusion that
direct disposal is possible is a very important step forward. Suzuki is a
former member of the government's Atomic Energy Commission. Jul. 25, 2014
McDonald's Holdings Co. (Japan) apologized Tuesday for a recent scandal
over chicken meat provided by a Chinese producer, promising to do
"whatever it takes" to ensure the safety of food on its menu.
"I would like to extend my sincere apologies to our valued customers
for any anxiety or concern that this situation may have caused,"
President Sarah Casanova said at her first press conference since the
scandal emerged last week.
McDonald's Japan has halted sales of all products using chicken meat
sourced from China since one of its suppliers, Shanghai Husi Food Co.,
was accused of selling spoiled and expired meat to Western fast food
chains operating in China and Japan. It has already switched chicken
sourcing to Thailand completely.
These fast food chains are also going to increase imports of meat from Brazil. We know what that means: More rain forest cut down, more genetically modified feed, more bacteria and virus and you name it. You really want meat that bad (and that cheap?) and every day? Not going to happen.
Cheap meat, cheap energy. That is about to change, and are you prepared?
The Nagoya Protocol on access and benefit-sharing of
genetic resources will take effect in October, but without the participation of
Japan--even though it spearheaded the initiative.
The protocol stipulates procedures for equal sharing of
benefits on the use of genetic resources such as medicine between providers of
the resources and users of them.
While Japan compiled the protocol as president of the
meeting of the parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
in 2010, it did not meet the deadline for ratification due to a delay in
domestic procedure.
The Secretariat of what is informally known as the
Biodiversity Convention, based in Montreal, announced July 14 that 51 countries
had ratified the document.
That means the protocol will enter into force on Oct. 12,
exactly 90 days after more than a minimum of 50 countries agreed to be bound by
The protocol was adopted at the 10th meeting of the CBD
parties in 2010 in Nagoya, with the aim of providing financial assistance to
developing countries that provide resources covered by the protocol.
This is because companies and research institutes in
advanced countries tended to monopolize bumper profits, which were criticized
as “biopiracy.”
The first meeting of parties to the protocol to discuss
details will be held during the Conference of Parties of the CBD, scheduled in
South Korea in October.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement:
“Practical tools such as the Nagoya Protocol are critical for the sustainable
and equitable use of biodiversity. I commend the member states that have
ratified this important international legal instrument.”
Japan has been slow to ratify the protocol because of
holdups in making arrangements with related industries.
Various government ministries and agencies held meetings
with experts, industry representatives and academics to discuss Japan's
position, but to no avail.
“Japan is responsible for ratifying the protocol as soon
as possible and to implement related measures as early as next year,”
Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara said July 15 after a Cabinet meeting.
First Japan abandons all the work for Climate Change, and now also Biodiversity. South Korea also dilly-dallying, if that's the term. Yes, that's the term. Countries need to grow some spine and man up and get serious about these issues.
What a month.
I like Ken's idea of restoring an old house in rural Nagano
prefecture, with farmland and forest, and pledged 5,000 yen to his
amazing vision/project called Kijisan. Do follow/support/enjoy.
Who hasn’t thought about restoring a Japanese mountain farm? Japan is
full of small dying hamlets that are loaded with perfectly good
infrastructure and inexpensive homes on old agriculture lots. While the
social structures of these hamlets are fading, they have small
commercial centers, water systems, and are surrounded by forest
reserves, or commons. They are walkable, bikeable, quiet and usually
human scaled. To my mind they are the model to emulate, and ought not be
A unique three-day international conference is being held at Makuhari near Tokyo, a day after the 61st anniversary of the enforcement of Japan's Constitution. It is organized by nongovernmental groups, including Japan-based Peace Boat . Organizers said the meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the significance of the constitutional article that endorses demilitarization and what people can do to promote its spirit, notes The Japan Times . While the constitution stipulates that Japan renounces war as a sovereign right and that it will not maintain land, sea and air forces, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party has been keen to make amendments. "The war in Iraq has shown that even the strongest, biggest army in the world can not keep peace in a single city. It proves that aggression never instates peace," Tatsuya Yoshioka, director of Peace Boat and a representative of the event's organizing committee, said during the opening remarks. "Article 9 is a treasu...
My new book has been published! マーティン・フリッド (著) 世界中の消費者が同じ課題を抱え、悩み、たたかっている。スウェーデンに生まれ、ヨーロッパ、そして日本の消費者運動の現場を歩いてきた著者が、人びとの日常によりそいながら軽妙なユーモアを交えて食、環境、エネルギー、社会のあり方、政治、経済を考えます。 Consumers all over the world are facing similar problems, worries, and struggles. In this book, the author, who was born in Sweden and has walked the frontlines of consumer movements in Europe ...
Spanish artist Salvador Dali was deeply terrified by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and his exact, detailed style was very much suited to show the horror of the A-bomb, which America tried to keep a secret by classifying photos and descriptions until the end of the occupation of Japan in 1952. The Bureau of Atomic Tourism has more details if you want to know more about the legacy of nuclear weapons in the U.S. Even today, do people understand the real horror of atomic bombs? If not, then, why not ? Dali's paintings are on display in Fukushima prefecture, where you can view Melancholy Atomic and Uranium Idyll and The Three Sphinxes of Bikini at the Morohashi Museum of Modern Art . Long YouTube video from the Nihon University (Nichidai) channel with an interview featuring Morohashi Eiji, the son of the founder of the unique museum, and scenes from the Morohashi Museum (29:20): #271美術館への誘い ダリの世界 Is there a hidden message in Dali's Bikini hydrogen bomb painting...