Fukushima Film Project/100,000 Years

A lot of interesting documentaries right now, one is the film from Finland about their 100,000 year storage project, yet to be finalized, about dealing with highly radioactive waste.
How can we, who have only a history of buildings, like the pyramids, that date back some 5,000 years, even start to consider a time-frame of danger of 100,000 years?
The film is showing in Tokyo in August. Catch it at Tokyo Northern Lights Festival in Shibuya. Schedule (JP):
Tokyo Northern Lights Festival
Our mankind exists 50,000 years. 我々人類誕生から5万年。
The pyramids are 5,000 years. ピラミッドらが5千年。
Nuclear waste is toxic for 100,000 years. 放射性廃棄物の毒性は10万年。
To protect ourselves. それらから我々を守る。
We try to build a storage. 我々は貯蔵施設の建造を試みる。
It must last 100,000 years. 10万年後まで(毒性を)封印する必要がある。
Construction has begun... 建造が始められた...。
Into eternity. 永遠に。
Another film, a Japanese production, is not yet ready, but seems very beautiful.
Totecheeta Chiquitita is a very moving project. Scheduled to ...