Too Darn Hot

Here are a couple of links, in no particular order, for those of you who still read blogs, in the hot days of Twitter and Face (?) -book and whatnot. Potentially very expensive Samsung vs. Apple patent lawsuit accidentally reveals that the original design of the iPhone or whatever you call them was influenced by - Sony (back when they where working with Swedish Ericsson). BoingBoing: Early iPhone mockups show Sony influence The current iPhone design, it turns out, was in the works since 2006—and was so influenced by Sony that they even put its logo on the mockups. Court filings in the ongoing legal battle between Apple and Samsung reveal an early concept by Apple designer Shin Nishibori which closely resembles the current-gen iPhones, complete with the silver band . The Verge has 754 comments on its article, so obviously this matters to some people... What really matters? North Korea's News Service ( KNS ) in Tokyo calls South Korean president Lee " rat-like ...