Visit Roses & Gardening Show 2013

Lovely exhibition of roses, at a grand location. Special treat this year will be roses from Turkey: To mark the friendly relations Japan and Turkey have enjoyed over the years (despite the rivalry involved in both countries’ bids to host the 2020 Olympics), a new variety of rose called Ertugrul, named after a frigate of the Ottoman Navy that sank off the coast of Wakayama Prefecture in 1890, will be unveiled to the public for the first time. Some Turkish foods will also be available at the expo. Other highlights at the six-day show include a fountain that uses pure rose water. A total of 200,000 Damask roses, a variety known for its strong fragrance, will be used to create the fountain water, which visitors are free to scoop up and apply to their skin. The Japan Times: Outlook is rosy at 15th annual garden show If you like new ideas for your garden, small or large, this is a great opportunity. The International Roses & Gardening Show 2013 will held from May ...