Rice Is Life, Stopping Genetically Modified Rice

I'm just back from another great meeting in the Philippines, this time with Masipag, one of the main NGOs that work on farming issues in Asia. Masipag is highly critical of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and has pointed out that it is increasingly becoming a "for-profit" body in spite of its original mandate. Masipag wants rice farmers to have control over their many varieties, be it white, red, yellow, brown or black rice, and all the other amazing kinds of rice that rural farmers have been saving and enjoying over centuries. "Rice is life" is a rallying call, and you could translate that as, "Don't mess with our rice." The problem in South East Asia is that, farmers are asking: Who are these guys, the Syngenta corporate guys in their corporate headquarters in Switzerland? Why do they want to tell us how to grow rice? Who do they think they are? Do they think they know better than a hundred million rice farmers in Asia? ...