Cloning, Stem Cell Research Troubles, Scandals, And More

I'm not sure why these issues keep coming back again and again. Why all kinds of scientific papers are being published without proper guidance and control and peer review. Seems to me it points to some more fundamental problem. I blogged about the South Korean cloning scandal ( Dr. Hwang ) and now we see the same thing happen again in Japan? This time it is another claim that genetically engineered stem cells can cure all kinds of genetic diseases. Did these people not learn a thing? Sorry, we do not believe you. You use genetically modified animals for your studies: mice that have been transmogrified to develop cancer more easily and rapidly for your research purposes. Most people are kept in the dark about their suffering, but you push on, funded by tax payers - and then you don't even take sufficient care to NOT fake images and make claims, just to get published? And you patent your methods, clearly in order to make profits, rather than create benefits for societ...