UNESCO: Education for Sustainable Development in Nagoya

Another large international conference in Japan, this time about education . How do we teach kids about environmental issues, health, energy, biodiversity, sustainable development? Are you a teacher reading Kurashi? How do you teach these issues to your students? The conference will take place from 10-12 November 2014 in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan. Under the banner of “Learning Today for a Sustainable Future”, the Conference will celebrate the achievements of the Decade, identify lessons learnt while setting the stage for the future of ESD. It will also showcase initiatives, key players, networks and ideas that the Decade has stimulated. Such examples from all over the world will help to generate future action under the Global Action Programme. ESD describes the teaching of key related issues — including climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, poverty reduction and sustainable consumption — in forms of education. Crown Prince Naruhito, who attended the me...