How To Think About TPP, And Celebrate - Updated With Links

The last TPP Ministerial in Hawaii did not get the results that governments and corporations wanted. I think we need to celebrate. We do not want more trade in cars, more trade in milk and meat. We don't want extended patents that will make medicines more expensive. And why should copyrights benefit Disney forever? If we really care, the lack of results at the last TPP round actually mean that the amazing movement of citizens and consumers and environmental and labour activists - we won. We fought the system and it lost. Update: East Asia Forum: Will the TPP endgame get tangled in old spaghetti? Huffington Post: TPP Threatens Access to Affordable Medications for People Around the World Washington Post: Why NAFTA passed and the Trans-Pacific Partnership failed The Sydney Morning Herald: Should Australia be wary of the TPP? Yes, Minister. The Mainichi: Japan's TPP benefits limited as U.S. mulls taking 20 years to remove vehicle tariffs Quote: LAHAINA, Hawaii...