Make A Film And Participate In Japan In A Day On March 11

If you have a film camera of any kind, you can participate in the Japan In A Day project with great director Ridley Scott of Bladerunner fame, Fuji TV and others. I like how this can evolve into something that involves a lot of people. Getting published or playing live, having your work out there for others to enjoy! It is such a great chance with all the technology we have at our disposal. There has never been such an era before. Who knows where it will take you?
Make a film and the rest is up to fate or karma, things that happen beyond our control. Use it! - Chihiro Kameyama and Takayuki Hayakawa ask you to capture your Japan in a day:
It’s easy. All you need is a camera to get started! This is your chance to express yourself. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, we want you to film your day and show us your life and your Japan. No limits – you can submit as much or as little footage as you like, but you must film between 12:00AM to midnight on 11 March 2012 wherever you are.
Go to Youtube to figure out the rest: Japaninaday
On Sunday, I will go to Hibiya Park in Tokyo for a large demonstration against nuclear power, with a silent prayer for all the victims at 14:46. Light blogging ahead. I don't think I really want to be exposed to all this "anniversary" hoopla media, not this particular weekend. My heart is with all the people I met while volunteering in Tohoku, especially in Minami Sanriku - and that's where my prayers will go. Burn some good incense and keep warm and meditate a lot.
More about Minami Sanriku on Kurashi:
Children Visiting Tsunami-struck Miyagi Prefecture
Coastal Area In Tohoku Still Needs Lots & Lots Of Help Part 3: A Town That Was Just Swept Away
Coastal Area In Tohoku Still Needs Lots & Lots Of Help Part 2
Coastal Area In Tohoku Still Needs Lots & Lots Of Help Part 1
Small Efforts Can Make A Huge Difference For Tohoku
Ridley Scott, for him to be involved with this project shows the credibility of it.