Green Map

Green Map is a global community of people who create maps about their favourite area, for example to promote bicycling, walking, organic shops and "green" restaurants. Green Map System has been developed collaboratively since 1995, and is now active in 400 cities, villages and neighborhoods in 50 countries. Using google maps, you can view maps by theme, culture, ecotourism, food and so on.

Green Map Japan is increasingly popular, as you can see on the News page:

Japan's Ministry of Environment held a ‘Stop Climate Change’ contest. “Tokyo Cycling Green Map” was the only project by a non-profit organization among the winners. Following a presentation of 47 projects primarily by local governments or other type of corporations that represent each prefecture, this Green Map won the Tokyo Grand Prix.

This is the third major prize for this team!

“Modal Shift” is a term referring to the conversion of transportation means. It mainly means reducing the use of automobiles and switching to other transportation modes, including subways and bicycles in order to solve environmental problems and ease congestion.


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