Full Moon Halo
I noticed an unusual halo around the full moon earlier tonight.
It looked much like this:

From The Astronomy Photo Of The Day:
Pure Land had this to say in January about the moon:
I used to be interested in Physics and Astronomy, because it seemed to provide answers to questions that were interesting. These days, there are not so many people writing about such issues. Have we lost our faith in science? I hope not. I was intrigued as a high school student to encounter The Tao of Physics and The Dancing Wu Li Masters. Books like that made it so fascinating to go to math class, and try to understand Calculus, and all the Math required for higher levels of dancing... I hoped I could unravel the mysteries of the universe, both the inner and the outer.
When I see a Full Moon Halo, like tonight, I just feel great. Something out there, that inspires me. Hope it inspires you too...
It looked much like this:

From The Astronomy Photo Of The Day:
This fairly common sight occurs when high thin clouds containing millions of tiny ice crystals cover much of the sky. Each ice crystal acts like a miniature lens. Because most of the crystals have a similar elongated hexagonal shape, light entering one crystal face and exiting through the opposing face refracts 22 degrees, which corresponds to the radius of the Moon Halo. A similar Sun Halo may be visible during the day.
Pure Land had this to say in January about the moon:
When you move from the city into the country, a considerable number of municipally peripheral things suddenly come into your life in a big way, such as the moon and the stars. Also insects, trees and animals, not to mention the sky as a whole. As well general vegetation, and a welcome absence of the masses of concrete and asphalt and people that characterize city life, as do power and phone lines overhead.
The moon doesn't play much of a role in city life, except as a kind of urban add-on one sees occasionally that is played up in movies as an extravaganza backdrop, the moon coming up between the skyscrapers. City folks actually don't have all that much to do with the moon, let alone the stars, except in a mythico-cinematico-derivativo kind of way, isn't it mystical, they say in the park, that smattering of artificial countryside city folks resort to in their free time to evoke their roots with a distant wistfulness, as in a museum where you can touch the artifacts. And the sky---in the city the sky is pretty much an artifact too, the less significant part of what metropolitans call the "skyline." Isn't it impressive they say. Well, yeah, I guess so, if you like artifacts in your eye.
Out in the country the sky stretches all the way from here to there (not the city "here and there"; such words resume their original meaning out in the country). And of course the country is where birds actually live, and enjoy themselves. By birds I don't mean panhandling pigeons, but self-supporting warblers, wheatears, grosbeaks, ducks, thrushes, egrets, pheasants, finches, redstarts, hawks, swallows, wagtails, owls, the list goes on. Real birds. Not merely the species or two that can tolerate exhaust fumes for a discernable life span, like the trees the city inserts along the avenues.
I used to be interested in Physics and Astronomy, because it seemed to provide answers to questions that were interesting. These days, there are not so many people writing about such issues. Have we lost our faith in science? I hope not. I was intrigued as a high school student to encounter The Tao of Physics and The Dancing Wu Li Masters. Books like that made it so fascinating to go to math class, and try to understand Calculus, and all the Math required for higher levels of dancing... I hoped I could unravel the mysteries of the universe, both the inner and the outer.
When I see a Full Moon Halo, like tonight, I just feel great. Something out there, that inspires me. Hope it inspires you too...
