8 is a lucky number in Hong Kong
8 is a lucky number in Hong Kong, BBC explains, in a story about air pollution and smog. The campaign against Hong Kong's air pollution begins today, the eighth day of the eight month, at eight o'clock. It is called the Lights Out campaign and everyone is being asked to turn their lights off for three minutes. The campaign has caught on among the public, and among trendy nightspots.
BBC: Hong Kong in 'Lights Out' plan.
Update: It appears that the first event was not a big success, according to Reuters: Few in Hong Kong Turn Off Lights Against Pollution.
BBC: Hong Kong in 'Lights Out' plan.
Update: It appears that the first event was not a big success, according to Reuters: Few in Hong Kong Turn Off Lights Against Pollution.
Air pollution has been a long term problem for the city but the major cause of the problem is not related to the citizens’ daily activities (more than 80% of the population using public transport and HK use natural gas for energy production). Air pollutants from the Pearl Delta Region, the humid climate and the geographic features are the major contributors of the bad air quality.
From my point of view, the campaign did not make a lot of sense as the design and rationales of the "Lights Out" Campaign is not in accordance with the root causes of the problem, which is also the main reason for the failure. This is one thing should consider carefully when designing environmental education program.
Anyway, I still appreciate their effort to raise citizens’ awareness on our environment,
Sophia, from HK (now studying in Sydney)
P.S. I enjoy you blog very much and I have been reading you blog for months already.
I read that the Hong Kong campaigners intend to keep going, and aim to team up with other world cities like Tokyo for the next Lights Out event. I think that is an excellent idea.