Well, this old lady was just there to try to make her voice heard. "Anti-war" is a very powerful message. They might not like it. They could detain you. Let's hope we are not going to see this happen elsewhere.
The violent protesters are often led by government "agents provocateurs" - used to incite others in to joining them so that the government can crack down and make everyone look bad. Should you think I am being a "conspiracy theorist" do some reading about the FBI's "Cointelpro" programs in the 60's and 70's which were revealed in Senate hearings (the Church Report).
If we don't study history, the world is a mystery.
Anonymous said…
"Careful men! She has a bottle of spring water. You know what will happen if any of that gets on our leader, the Wicked Witch of the West!"
I posted this after seeing the photo over at Isis, and confirming the source as Truthout. I hope a lot of us will show this image, and think about democracy.
Tornadoes28 - Kurashi is Martin's blog. While I am a team member, I only occasionally write a post here, as I spend most of my blogging time with my own blog, Pacific Islander.
This post was done by Martin and I happened to comment.
A unique three-day international conference is being held at Makuhari near Tokyo, a day after the 61st anniversary of the enforcement of Japan's Constitution. It is organized by nongovernmental groups, including Japan-based Peace Boat . Organizers said the meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the significance of the constitutional article that endorses demilitarization and what people can do to promote its spirit, notes The Japan Times . While the constitution stipulates that Japan renounces war as a sovereign right and that it will not maintain land, sea and air forces, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party has been keen to make amendments. "The war in Iraq has shown that even the strongest, biggest army in the world can not keep peace in a single city. It proves that aggression never instates peace," Tatsuya Yoshioka, director of Peace Boat and a representative of the event's organizing committee, said during the opening remarks. "Article 9 is a treasu...
My new book has been published! マーティン・フリッド (著) 世界中の消費者が同じ課題を抱え、悩み、たたかっている。スウェーデンに生まれ、ヨーロッパ、そして日本の消費者運動の現場を歩いてきた著者が、人びとの日常によりそいながら軽妙なユーモアを交えて食、環境、エネルギー、社会のあり方、政治、経済を考えます。 https://nishoren.net/new-information/14177 Consumers all over the world are facing similar problems, worries, and struggles. In this book, the author, who was born in Sweden and has walked the frontlines of consumer movements in Europe ...
Spanish artist Salvador Dali was deeply terrified by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and his exact, detailed style was very much suited to show the horror of the A-bomb, which America tried to keep a secret by classifying photos and descriptions until the end of the occupation of Japan in 1952. The Bureau of Atomic Tourism has more details if you want to know more about the legacy of nuclear weapons in the U.S. Even today, do people understand the real horror of atomic bombs? If not, then, why not ? Dali's paintings are on display in Fukushima prefecture, where you can view Melancholy Atomic and Uranium Idyll and The Three Sphinxes of Bikini at the Morohashi Museum of Modern Art . Long YouTube video from the Nihon University (Nichidai) channel with an interview featuring Morohashi Eiji, the son of the founder of the unique museum, and scenes from the Morohashi Museum (29:20): #271美術館への誘い ダリの世界 Is there a hidden message in Dali's Bikini hydrogen bomb painting...
Well, this old lady was just there to try to make her voice heard. "Anti-war" is a very powerful message. They might not like it. They could detain you. Let's hope we are not going to see this happen elsewhere.
If we don't study history, the world is a mystery.
Martin commented above and then there is a comment from Pandabonium. Who is who?
I posted this after seeing the photo over at Isis, and confirming the source as Truthout. I hope a lot of us will show this image, and think about democracy.
- Martin J. Frid
This post was done by Martin and I happened to comment.
Got it? Cheers.