This And That

But I still do like radio.
Also, just back from The Philippines and a great meeting with Third World Network in Quezon City, near Manilla. Photo attached shows how seriously in 12 Asian countries we all take the issue of genetic engineering and the onslaught by American (Monsanto) and Swiss (Syngenta) and German (BASF, Bayer) corporations that aim to take over the world's food supply through patents and immoral practices. Be it rice or eggplant, they want to control it. And next is animal genetic resources, as ETC Group pointed out during the meeting.
Japanese farmers have completely rejected GMO crops which is great. Some imports still happen, especially for food oils and animal feed. The contamination from imported canola seeds are an example of how things can go wrong, as activists here keep finding wild-growing GMO canola near harbours and food oil factories in places like Nagoya and Ibaragi. This could potentially contaminate other foods from the same family like broccoli, cabbage and several other indigenous Japanese vegetables in the brassica family, as pointed out by No! GMO Campaign and Consumers Union of Japan, and many others.
Rice in particular needs to be kept safe from the onslaught by corporations that do not care about/are seriously ignoring/don't want you to know about biological diversity, and the importance to over a billion of people in Asia who eat rice everyday. Rice diversity is the key to this.
I don't have the link to this, but Reuters is seriously overstating its case and I wonder when they stopped taking science into account. Is it all fear-mongering these days, even at the major news agencies?
Dec 3 (Reuters) - Shoppers browsing in supermarkets around the world
would once have been reassured by a 'Made in Japan' tag.
a wave of problems such as a recent mislabelling controversy and
festering worries over nuclear contamination have tainted the nation's
reputation as a food safe-haven.
growing list of food scandals could dent Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's
push to boost exports of high-end products such as Kobe beef, organic
sake and even gimmicky square watermelons. That drive is part of
efforts to double agricultural, marine and forestry shipments by 2020
and shake the economy out of stagnation.
government's focus is on promoting industry, improving trade and
helping the economy get better," said Yasuaki Yamaura, an official at
the Consumers Union of Japan. "Keeping food safe and dealing with the
needs of consumers comprises very little of what they do."
While I agree that Japan may be putting the cart before the horse as it promotes exports without the necessary support for its Food Safety Agency and other inspection services, not just to stop dubious imports but also to avoid exports that may cause concern abroad, I think Reuters is part of the problem, not the solution. The cattle drug (by Merck, a US corporation) mentioned below, for example, is not approved for use in Japan, and I don't understand how the article makes the conjecture that Japan somehow is not aware of its problems. As for GMO wheat, that was a case of contamination at one farm in Oregon. Not such an easy mystery, as NPR put it. Why does media not do science when everyone else has to abide by it? But back to Reuters:
confidence in food safety has also been hit by worries over how the
world's No.3 importer of agricultural products tests purchases it makes
from the global markets it relies on for staples such as corn and
along with other countries, in June banned imports of the U.S. wheat
it uses to make cookies and cakes after unapproved genetically modified
grains were found growing in Oregon. While South Korea quickly
developed a test for GMO wheat, Japan lagged in coming up with a kit.
in October, Seoul detected cattle feed additive zilpaterol - banned in
many countries - in U.S. beef. Taiwan made a similar finding while
Tokyo officials said they were still trying to develop tests for the
Also, do visit The Philippines, they have the best people and such a warm generous hospitality attitude. 97% of the country was not affected by the November typhoon, and they look forward to seeing you. Don't believe all you read/hear/see in main stream media. Oh, except for the occasional radio interview, that is.
Update: Here is the link to the article on ABC Radio: Japan food scandals, poor regulation hurting premium food export push
Good article relevant to this on The Guardian: Fukushima two years on: a dirty job with no end in sight
Living in Hawaii for 30 years I came to know and love the Filipino people and culture that is very much represented in Hawaii.
We must all join together - individuals, organizations, and countries, to resist the corporatist agenda as represented in the TPP.
Thank you for your tireless work Martin.