Greetings, Fist Bump (Or Why Not Just The Bow) To Avoid Bacteria
Something I have been worried about for a long time: The old European/American hand shake. Sorry, but it is a disgusting way to say hi. Share a lot of emotions, yes, and also a lot of germs.
I much prefer the Japanese bow.
Great greeting, good manners, no worries about transmitting germs.
If that is not your style, go for the Fist Bump.
Me? I'm a now a solid bow kind of guy. No need to over do it, just a touch of the neck muscles and a moment of humble. Humility? No, just humble.
As in, hi, great to have the honour to meet you.
Medical Daily: Why A Fist Bump Is More Hygenic Than A Handshake
A fist bump may be more than just the young, cooler way to greet someone; it could possibly hold the answer in preventing the spread of bacteria. According to a recent study, a dap can reduce the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria up to about four times compared with a handshake. (...)
A fist-bumping alternative to reduce germs is especially useful since studies have highlighted only a small percentage of individuals wash their hands correctly. In a study from Michigan State University, researchers found only five percent of the popilation washes their hands correctly. The majority of people who wash their hands after using the bathroom do not wash them long enough for the soap to effectively kill the bacteria living on the hands. One-third of all the people who did wash their hands didn't even use soap, and 10 percent of people didn't wash their hands at all after using the bathroom.
In his books Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse (and the popular PBS and National Geographic documentaries they inspired), big-picture scholar Jared Diamond explores civilizations and why they all seem to fall. Now in his latest book, The World Until Yesterday, Diamond examines small, traditional, tribal societies -- and suggests that modern civilization is only our latest solution to survival.
Diamond’s background in evolutionary biology, geography and physiology informs his integrated vision of human history. He posits that success -- and failure -- depends on how well societies adapt to their changing environment.
TED Talks by Jared Diamond about aging, and more
"Why you white men have so much cargo...?" Yes, "why" indeed.
"It's an audacious idea, that the inequalities of the world, were born from the crops we eat..."
Looking back thousands of years, Jared Diamond argues that farming gave some cultures an enormous head start... Those who co-habited with cattle and pigs may have had a head start. Still, the deadly germs, a large part of the story, starts at around 1.37.00
So, in the late 16th century, Japan and Korea and this part of the world somehow managed to avoid the terrible faith that the Inkas in south america and mexico and elsewhere were exposed to.
Guns, Germs And Steel - based on the book by Jared Diamond
I much prefer the Japanese bow.
Great greeting, good manners, no worries about transmitting germs.
If that is not your style, go for the Fist Bump.
Me? I'm a now a solid bow kind of guy. No need to over do it, just a touch of the neck muscles and a moment of humble. Humility? No, just humble.
As in, hi, great to have the honour to meet you.
Medical Daily: Why A Fist Bump Is More Hygenic Than A Handshake
A fist bump may be more than just the young, cooler way to greet someone; it could possibly hold the answer in preventing the spread of bacteria. According to a recent study, a dap can reduce the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria up to about four times compared with a handshake. (...)
A fist-bumping alternative to reduce germs is especially useful since studies have highlighted only a small percentage of individuals wash their hands correctly. In a study from Michigan State University, researchers found only five percent of the popilation washes their hands correctly. The majority of people who wash their hands after using the bathroom do not wash them long enough for the soap to effectively kill the bacteria living on the hands. One-third of all the people who did wash their hands didn't even use soap, and 10 percent of people didn't wash their hands at all after using the bathroom.
In his books Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse (and the popular PBS and National Geographic documentaries they inspired), big-picture scholar Jared Diamond explores civilizations and why they all seem to fall. Now in his latest book, The World Until Yesterday, Diamond examines small, traditional, tribal societies -- and suggests that modern civilization is only our latest solution to survival.
Diamond’s background in evolutionary biology, geography and physiology informs his integrated vision of human history. He posits that success -- and failure -- depends on how well societies adapt to their changing environment.
TED Talks by Jared Diamond about aging, and more
"Why you white men have so much cargo...?" Yes, "why" indeed.
"It's an audacious idea, that the inequalities of the world, were born from the crops we eat..."
Looking back thousands of years, Jared Diamond argues that farming gave some cultures an enormous head start... Those who co-habited with cattle and pigs may have had a head start. Still, the deadly germs, a large part of the story, starts at around 1.37.00
So, in the late 16th century, Japan and Korea and this part of the world somehow managed to avoid the terrible faith that the Inkas in south america and mexico and elsewhere were exposed to.
Guns, Germs And Steel - based on the book by Jared Diamond
Dr. Greger's talk is also on YouTube:
A number of anthropologists have criticized him for this (and other things) and there are some interesting critiques online at sites such as "Savage Minds"
Interesting stuff.
I am a bow and a smile kind of guy. I also stay away from crowds whenever possible....