How Shall We Get Out Of The Recession?

Nikkei Business Publications recently announced the results of a survey conducted with engineers in Japan's manufacturing industry on the current global recession. They were asked hard questions about the impact of the recession and measures to cope with it.

I am a little surprised that they turn out to be such tree-huggers: an overwhelming number thinks solar cells, electric, fuel-cell and hybrid vehicles - and even wind power - could provide the breakthroughs we need to get out of the current recession.

The survey results showed strong confidence of frontline design and manufacturing engineers in Japan's solid industrial infrastructure and high-level technology, notes Nikkei BP:

A key to break through the recession is development of 1) solar cell, 2) electric vehicle, and 3) agriculture / food, in descending order.

The respondents were also surprisingly positive when it came to which country would be first to recover from the recession: 26.7% of the engineers thought Japan would be first, followed by Europe (15.4%), China (14.1%) and the United States (12.8%).

Over 1,300 engineers replied to the survey, conducted in December 2008 and January 2009.

Treehugger: Will Renewable Energy Get Us Out Of The Recession?

Another very real possibility, of course, is that we will not get over this recession. How do you make plans for that?

What I'm reading right now:

The Times: Barack Obama bets the farm in $4 trillion poker game
The Financial Times: Obama’s chance to lead the green recovery


Pandabonium said…
The Obama budget goes largely to war and wall street. Incurring trillions in debt to prop up the status quo economy is like giving a case of whiskey to an alcoholic to prevent a hangover. Obama is not alone of course, most of the world's politicians and bankers are doing the same.

Due to energy and other resource constraints any "recovery" will be muted.

Time to rethink the paradigm and work on true sustainability, not try to repeat the past.

The focus you mention - renewables - are the right ones, but first we must realize we are broke and need to clear out the debt by letting the failed industries go then start fresh with new savings and investment. Borrowing money on top of what is owed will not work and only lead to hyperinflation.

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