The Alternative Nobel Prize

The Right Livelihood Foundation, which was founded in 1980 by Jakob von Uexkull to "recognize work that he felt was ignored by the Nobel Prizes," will give an honorary award to David Suzuki. The prize will be handed out at the Swedish Parliament on December 4, 2009.
The prize citation for Suzuki says: "For his lifetime advocacy of the socially responsible use of science, and for his massive contribution to raising awareness about the perils of climate change and building public support for policies to address it".
David Suzuki is one of the most brilliant scientists, and communicators about science, of his generation. Through his books and broadcasts, which have touched millions of people around the world, he has stressed the dangers, as well as the benefits, of scientific research and technological development. He has campaigned tirelessly for social responsibility in science. For the past 20 years, he has been informing the world about the grave threat to humanity of climate change and about how it can be reduced.
For more about David Suzuki, here is a link to his website: The David Suzuki Foundation
Source: CBC and Globe and Mail
Activists from Congo and New Zealand and a doctor from Australia won the top awards presented by the Right Livelihood Foundation for their work to protect rain forests, improve women's health and rid the world of nuclear weapons:
New Zealand peace activist Alyn Ware, 47, was recognized "for his effective and creative advocacy and initiatives over two decades to further peace education and rid the world of nuclear weapons," according to the citation. Alan Ware is Co-Founder and International Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), which engages legislators from across the political spectrum in nuclear disarmament issues and initiatives. PNND is a global network of over 500 parliamentarians from more than 70 countries working to prevent nuclear proliferation and achieve nuclear disarmament.
Asked to compare the awards, von Uexkull, the Right Livelihood Foundation's executive director and nephew of the prize founder, noted that Mr. Ware had actively campaigned against nuclear weapons for 25 years, while Mr. Obama had yet to translate words into action:
“We have a window of opportunity with Obama opening up to the possibility of nuclear disarmament,” Mr. Von Uexkull said. “He will have the opportunity to take concrete steps now and I hope that he will do it.”