More River Cleanup: NEC

Many Japanese companies do arrange river cleanup programs as part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs.
NEC is a case in point:
Seventy-three employees from the company, NEC Engineering, NEC Fielding, NEC Media Products, NEC Professional Support, NEC Soft, etc. which are located in the Nakagawara Technical Center cleaned up a river bank of Tama river on April 11, 2004.
They also do beach cleanups such as the Miura, Kanagawa prefecture beach.
I hope they keep going and see this as an investment in the future, both for the company and for the people involved.
In August 2006, NEC launched the NEC B.E.A.C.H. (Beach Ecological Action will Change your Heart) Project to contribute to society and encourage environmental awareness by sweeping beaches. On August 26, 126 people, including NEC employees & their families and local residents, participated in the First Miura Beach Cleaning Campaign. The event included beach sweeping, observation of organisms on the beach, playing with sand and other programs involving children learning more about the environment. Jointly organized with Miura City, the activity will be continued at the rate of four events per year.
In June 2010, some 147 employees of NEC participated in a cleanup event around their facilities in Ibaraki prefecture. In addition to events in Japan, they also hold environmental activities in other parts of the world, under the Make A Difference campaign:
The "NEC Make-a-Difference Drive (MDD)" is one such example. Established in 1999 to mark our 100th anniversary, this project has harnessed the energy of, at present, a total of 1,070,000 employees in contributing as volunteers to supporting developing countries, educational activities, tree planting and a variety of other problem-solving projects. And through their volunteer work in contributing to local communities, NEC employees have helped greatly in developing a corporate consciousness that is community-based and highly social. In addition, participation in such efforts has also resulted in NEC employees who are more sensitive to the problems facing society, and therefore, has lead to the development of products and services that are plugged into societal needs.
It is just not about cleaning up rivers or beaches.
On May 12, 2010, NEC TOKIN America Inc. employees returned to volunteer at the Second Harvest Food Bank in San Jose, CA, to sort and box food donations collected from homes by the U.S. Postal Service letter carriers in the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive to help feed people in need in our local community.
About the Second Harvest Food Bank: The Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara is a non-profit organization that has been serving the community since 1974. The food bank serves an average of 236,000 people monthly, mostly low-income families and seniors in our local community.
For more information see: Second Harvest Food Bank in Santa Clara and San Mateo, U.S.
Meanwhile, in Indonesia what is NEC doing? We have to rely on their official webisite, don't we.
In addition, local Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) or Non Political Organizations (NPO) may or may not be able to reach out and let like-minded people at NGOs or NPOs know what is going on. Also., journalists (if they can be trusted) may be invited to learn about local issues...