If you want to read more about the
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) I recommend the Public Citizen website. More here:
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
TPP: Corporate Power Tool of the 1%
Have you heard? The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free trade”
agreement is a stealthy policy being pressed by corporate America, a
dream of the 1 percent, that in one blow could:
- offshore millions of American jobs,
- free the banksters from oversight,
- ban Buy America policies needed to create green jobs and rebuild our economy,
- decrease access to medicine,
- flood the U.S. with unsafe food and products,
- and empower corporations to attack our environmental and health safeguards.
Closed-door talks are on-going between the U.S. and Australia, Brunei,
Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam; with
countries like Japan and China potentially joining later. 600 corporate
advisors have access to the text, while the public, Members of Congress,
journalists, and civil society are excluded. And so far what we know
about what's in there is very scary!
I met Lori Wallace from Public Citizen, a great campaigner in Seattle in 1999 and in Washington DC back in 2000 or 2001, I can't remember, but it was great to see her again in Tokyo, as she explained why TPP will cause a lot of harm to things we take for granted, like access to medical services,
food labels, rules against mad cow disease...