“Fukuro wa kekko desu”

“Fukuro wa kekko desu”is a nice way to tell a Japanese shop clerk that you don't need a plastic bag.
From April 1, new rules say Japanese retailers should reduce the amount of plastic bags by 30% over the next couple of years, but that will not happen unless we all start changing our habits. Bring your own bag!
Japan for Sustainability: Working to Reduce Plastic Bag Use
(The sign at this Lawson convenience store says customers should tell clerks if they do not need plastic bags...)
Tygkasse är ju helt accepterat i Sverige, fast man ser en del sorgliga (otvättade) exemplar ibland. Men det är ju också ett sätt att uttrycka sig, med motiv man själv gillar. Undrar varför det inte slår igenom i Japan.
'Always bring our own bags to shop, and help K's parents recycle theirs.
Not just a trash issue, the bags are made from oil.