TPP - Not Going As Well As PM Abe Might Like

Prime Minister Abe has been busy with all kinds of arrows to promote Japan and its economy. One was the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations, a deal that no one seemed to be able to define, and who would benefit? At least here in Japan, it was never made clear. The latest round of negotiations that I have been following - in Singapore - ended without a deal. That is Abe's man in Singapore, with his headphones on, and everyone seems to be having a laugh. Reuters says: UPDATE 2-No end in sight yet for Trans-Pacific trade pact Sticking points over intellectual property and the rules for state-owned enterprises and government procurement are also proving difficult. "If you ask whether all outstanding issues have been resolved, it is also a common recognition that they still remain," Japan's Economics Minister Akira Amari said ahead of the final part of the talks. Malaysia's International Trade and Industry Minister, Mustapa Mohamed, said part...