The Mainichi 10 August, 1945

The Mainichi 10 Aug 1945

The website of The Mainichi Shimbun has recently been publishing copies of their front pages as they were printed 60 years ago. It is a reminder of the horrors of war, but also of the propaganda and ignorance. This is the front page that carries an article about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima:
"The new-type bombs dropped by enemy planes on Hiroshima on Aug. 6 are, after all, not so powerful as to cause great anxiety, declared Lieut.-Colonel Akatsuka on his arrival in Osaka on Aug. 8 after inspecting the stricken area in Hiroshima."
Did he visit Hiroshima with his eyes closed?
This is a Photo special with vivid images from Nagasaki, the second city to be devastated by an atomic bomb.