Tokyo Vegetarian Week

Tokyo Vegetarian Week

From Sunday August 28, Tokyo Vegetarian Week will start. There are many acitivities. Tomorrow I will be at the UN House in Shibuya. See you there!
I just got an email about Sofa Deli, a place many vegetarians really love. Shall I go there for lunch today?
Meat imports to Japan are a big issue, as consumer groups such as Food Safety Citizens' Watch, Japan Offspring Fund and also the government have expressed strong concerns about mad cow disease. Consumer organisations welcomed the government's Food Safety Commission decision this week, that more study on the risk of imported U.S. beef being infected with mad cow disease is needed before reopening the Japanese market.
According to an AP article, the
Food Safety Commission special panel on mad cow disease -- bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE -- met and examined so-called worst-case scenarios on the chances of importing unsafe American beef, panel spokesman Eisaku Kikuchi said.
Opinion on the panel varied widely over the wisdom of lifting the import ban on U.S. beef, Kikuchi said. The panelists, however, decided they needed to look further into the risks. "It's anybody's guess when that will be," Kikuchi said when asked when the ban might be lifted.
Thanks Mari for details about Yoshinoya's troubles and the other links. Always a pleasure to read your blog!
BSE/Food safety previous