Prayers at Trinity Site

Prayers at Trinity Site

I'm quoting the following from The Japan Times:
Antinuclear activists from Japan and the U.S. carried the Hiroshima Peace Flame on foot from San Francisco, which they left on July 16, in an appeal for peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons.
"We traveled a long way, but this is only the first step toward achieving a peaceful world," said a 75-year-old monk who came from Nagasaki Prefecture.
"The journey was hard in high temperatures, but what made me happy the most was that American people walked together with us."
The prayers were held at Trinity Site, New Mexico, where the first atomic bomb was tested on July 16, 1945, in preparations for the attacks against Hiroshima and Nagasaki the same year.
I think it is so beautiful that monks from Japan go to the U.S. to pray and meditate for peace.
Read more on The Buddhist Channel and The Alamogordo News (the local newspaper in New Mexico).