My name according to a silly website

My Buddhist name is Bodhisattva Joy Increasing.
What's yours?
By all means, do enter your name on the silly website and see what comes out.
Actually, I do have a Buddhist name, 紹的 (Shoteki), given to me by the Rinzai Zen roshi at the Sogenji temple in Okayama. That was hard training. Waking up 3:40AM every morning to do zazen and cleaning... After that, my life seems easy.
Read more: Shodo Harada Roshi: Nuclear Reactor of Zen (From The His teacher was Yamada Mumon Roshi, head of Hanazono University in Kyoto.
Coincidentally, we were at Kenchoji in Kamakura yesterday and of course thought of you and your Zen training.
I don't think I could handle it - I'm too soft in both body and mind! :^)
You got a great name there, btw.