ARTicle 9

I will show four of my oil paintings as part of the ARTicle 9 Festa vol.3 this weekend in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. The event is in support for the peace clause in Japan's Constitution. This time, the event is scheduled on the date when the Peace Walk for the Global A9 Conference starts.
「peace x art = eARTh」
Date: February 24, Sunday
18:00 (DOOR OPEN) 18:30 (EVENT START)
Venue: Shimokitazawa Alley Hall
2-24-8, Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Shimokitazawa Alley Building 3F
3 minute walk from Shimokitazawa Station
Live Music / Art / Fashion / Video / Photography
Global Article 9 Campaign
Article 9 of Japan's Constitution is a strong and clear promise to the world by Japan, particularly to the people of the Asia-Pacific, who suffered terribly under Japanese aggression prior to and during WWII, that "we will never repeat such a tragic mistake."
Article 9 has helped build confidence in a very unstable region, keep peace for more than 60 years and is of paramount importance for the prevention of conflict.
The philosophy of Article 9 is the logical extension of the UN Charter's goal to save future generations from the scourge of war. The purpose of our Global Article 9 Campaign is to urge global civil society to adopt the "No War, No Military" message and push for this concept to be included in their own countries' constitutions.
Japans grundlag och artikel 9 i synnerhet har ett starkt stöd hos allmänheten och det finns många fredsgrupper runt om i landet. Hoppas du har möjlighet att besöka Hiroshima eller Nagasaki. Det har hänt en hel del i det här landet de senaste 62 åren.
Sverige är ju också ett land som inte har atomvapen, fast det fanns politiker på 1950-talet som ville att vi skulle skydda vår neutralitet genom att skaffa. Men, det gick ju bra ändå...