NGOs: Stop Rokkasho

Postcard campaign to protest against the Rokkasho Nuclear Reprocessing Plant in Aomori prefecture, northern Japan:
To order a set of four postcards, please head over to the Consumers Union of Japan website. Or just send your own designs.
CUJ says:
- The front of each card has space for you to write your message.
- The cards are pre-addressed:
1) “Prime Minister” (Postal code: 100-8914, Tokyo, Japan)
2) “Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry” (Postal code: 100-8901, Tokyo, Japan)
3) “Governor of Aomori Prefecture” (Postal code: 030-8570, Aomori Prefecture, Japan)
4) “Mayor of Rokkasho Village” (Postal code: 039-3212, Aomori Prefecture, Japan)
Please write a message to each of these people.
- Please place a postal stamp on the card and send it asap.
The messages from everyone will help stop operation of the reprocessing plant.
I recently wrote more about Rokkasho demonstrations here and here.
No Nukes, More Hearts (in Japanese)
Videos: Go to the Rokkashomura Rhapsody documentary (in English) or watch on YouTube, starting with Part 1. Surf-Rider Japan just made a new video too, you can watch it here. Cheers.
Stop Rokkasho is organizing a demonstration on February 17, 2008 in Shibuya, Tokyo. Starting at 14:00 - The next event will be on March 16.

On the same day, Feb 17, 2008 there will be a "Anti-nuclear live" concert and lectures in Aomori prefecture. More details on (in Japanese). Concert supported by solar power from Energy Green.
