Why Not 9?
Why Not Article 9, the Japanese movement to introduce Japan's peace clause to the world, has opened a webshop. Get their cool "Number 9" t-shirt.
The "Global Article 9 Conference" will be held in Tokyo, Japan, in May 2008. This conference will bring together the voices of the world supporting the existence and principle of Article 9. It will bring together Nobel Peace Laureates, intellectuals, cultural figures and NGO activists, and provide a forum to discuss what the citizens of the world can do to realize the principle of Article 9, through promoting disarmament, demilitarization and a culture of peace. It will aspire to create an international movement for realization of "peace without force."
The holding of such a conference will be a concrete step in materializing the aim confirmed at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference in 1999; "Every Parliament should adopt a resolution prohibiting their government from going to war, like the Japanese article number nine. "The endorsement of Article 9 in the World Peace Forum's final statement, "Vancouver Appeal for Peace 2006: Make Peace" has also greatly encouraged our campaign, supporting our ambition to stage a large scale international conference revolving around Article 9.
Read more here (in English).
Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War
May 4-6 2008
Makuhari Messe International Convention Complex
* Join 10,000 people from around the world to voice your support for the existence and principles of Article 9
* Join the people of Japan in protecting their peace constitution
* Take part in an active network of international movements to shift resources from the military to sustainable development and human security
* Hear keynote speeches by international peace advocates including Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire and President of the Hague Appeal of Peace Cora Weiss
* Share your views or activities through a "self-organised event" - be it a performance, debate, symposium or workshop (application details to be announced on this website soon, or for more details contact article-9@peaceboat.gr.jp)
* Contribute to the creation of a Global Article 9 Action Plan to Abolish War
* Experience cultural events in collaboration with civil society from all over the world
* Call for peace constitutions for every country.

(Photo from greenz.jp)