Photos from ARTicle 9 Festa vol.3
Below is a Picasa Collage with photos I took yesterday at the event in support for Article 9, the peace clause in Japan's Constitution. Lots of people from Peaceboat, The Japanese NGO that sends a ship around the world with volunteers. Sadly, I learnt that they will not be able to go to Kenya this year, because of the troubles there.
Good news: Peaceboat has recently opened a US office - near the UN Headquarters in New York City. Get involved. Peace Boat’s first voyage was organized in 1983 by a group of Japanese university students "as a creative response to government censorship regarding Japan’s past military aggression in the Asia-Pacific". They chartered a ship to visit neighboring countries with the aim of learning first-hand about the war from those who experienced it and initiating people-to-people exchange. Peace Now Korea Japan was formed in 2003 by young people in their 20s and 30s who share the common goal of wanting "to bring peace to the Korean peninsula". Activities include youth Peace Walks across South Korea and humanitarian aid through community fund-raising activities for the benefit of North Korean children. Website here.
