Green Lantern for Local Food

Japanese restaurants are getting into the local foods movement by joining Green Lantern (midori-chochin), a non-profit organization in Sapporo. The movement is the brainchild of Kiyoaki Maruyama at the National Agricultural Research Center in Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture. Maruyama registered midori-chochin as trademark and an umbrella maker in Wakayama manufactures the lanterns, according to Yomiuri Shimbun.
Another positive result of efforts to use more local ingredients is the reduction of green house gas emissions. Food is shipped across the oceans while Japan struggles to fulfill its Kyoto obligations. Some Japanese food companies are switching from trucks to rail transport to avoid the long-haul domestic routes. However, the Green Lantern movement is focusing more on directly supporting local farmers. Japan’s low self-sufficiency is a topic that gets a lot of attention here, and appeals more to small restaurants.
Keeping it simple is a great idea.
Yomiuri Shimbun: Green lanterns signify domestic ingredients

Of course, if you know your DC Comics, you will find the entire project to save the earth rather hilarious!
I'll get in Doiby Dickles taxicab and rush right over!
Här fann jag ytterligare information om Green lantern. Intressant.
Hälsn Marie-Louise